Tally.so and 0CodeKit: Practical Applications for Success

Learn how Tally.so and 0CodeKit can transform your business processes. From verifying emails and parsing UTM parameters to running Python code.

July 14, 2023

From confirming business emails, handling various UTM parameters related to campaigns, dealing with images, or even running Python code, everything is possible on these platforms. In this blog post, we will discuss the various application areas of Tally and 0CodeKit and explain how these can be used to your advantage to drive your business forward.  

What Is 0CodeKit?  

0CodeKit is quite an effective tool to tackle the problems related to the low-code as well as no-code software development. It seeks to eliminate the constraints that are normally lingered with program development approaches and allow the users to do much more.  

0CodeKit is a foundational component of all your projects since it is applicable when using low-code, no-code, APIs, and automation. As a matter of fact, it offers a variety of features that help to extend the characteristics of these development methodologies. Some of them are code extensions, helpful services, AI capability and a randomizer.

If you want to have more details about our API, then please check out our documentation, otherwise please check the help guide.

What Is Tally.so?  

Tally.so is a form builder tool that can be used to design and develop forms ranging from surveys to quizzes, feedback forms, registration forms, and many others. It is intended for non-coding users, which means that any person will be able to create beautiful and practical forms.

It provides various functions, which could make it an ideal instrument for compiling and processing data. These include conditional logic, calculation options, and connections with other applications and software. Most of the features also let you brand your forms in your unique business color theme, and you can place your forms on your site or even share them via a link.

Tally.so and 0CodeKit: Diverse Use Cases for Business Efficiency  

Now let us take a closer look at the different areas where Tally and 0CodeKit can be applied:

  • Business Email Verification: You will be able to determine if the email of the sender is a business one. This is especially useful when one has many emails, and they want to identify what comes through as business related emails. To accomplish this, one must develop a form in Tally and let 0CodeKit take the verification process as it will allow for optimization of other parameters and collection of more data.
With Freemail
Without Freemail
  • Parsing UTM Parameters: In the case where an advert is being run with parameters created in Tally, then 0CodeKit can extract the UTM parameters. This enables you to know the impact of your campaigns and manage future plans and/or campaigns effectively.
  • Date Verification: 0CodeKit can identify whether the date a customer selected falls on the weekend or a holiday in the country you are. This will help fix an appointment date or organize a delivery.
  • Image Manipulation: Is there a need to rotate, crop, merge, or overlay pictures that may be uploaded through a form? Have no fear, 0CodeKit is here for you. It provides several types of image manipulation tools that can serve you.
  • Distance Calculation: If a customer provides their address details, 0CodeKit can then estimate how close you are to them. It can be relevant concerning the organization of transportation and delivery time calculations.
  • Saving Form Data as JSON: It is also possible to store form data in JSON format as an alternative to JSON-Bin. For data analysis and data storage, this can be of great help.
  • File Analysis: If a file is uploaded, 0CodeKit’s AI endpoints can identify picture objects or the content of the PDF. This is useful in content categorization and data extraction.
  • Running Python Code: You can send form data to the Python module and, for instance, forward it to your vector database for additional AI embeddings. This creates freedom to manipulate and organize data in many ways.
  • URL Shortening: 0CodeKit enables you to create shortened URLs. This can be useful when posting links instead of the actual URLs, it is easier and formatted nicely.

With the help of these functionalities, Tally and 0CodeKit can greatly improve your business processes, rendering them more effective and analytical.

Let Tally.so and 0CodeKit Boost Your Efficiency

Therefore, using both Tally and 0CodeKit is a powerful combination of tools that will add value to your business' performance. From simple tasks such as email verification and UTM parsing to the more complex ones like image manipulation and URL shortening, these platforms are one-stop for various business solutions. Small business owners, sole traders and corporate employees of great organizations, there is hope for you: the versatility of Tally and 0CodeKit offers solace in a tough world.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.