0CodeKit's Complete Handbook: Tools and Development Methods

This 0CodeKit's Handbook offers expert tips on mastering development tools and methods, in order to improve your development journey.

April 25, 2024

Welcome to 0CodeKit's Complete Handbook, your go-to resource for mastering development tools and methodologies. This guide provides insights into account management, credit usage tracking, and the advanced features of our platform. With visual representations of usage patterns and upcoming features, users can optimize their workflow. More importantly, discover the three development methods with 0CodeKit, including HTTP requests and integration with popular automation platforms.

Overview of the Tools in Our Platform

Account Information

Within your account settings, you'll find crucial details such as subscription options, profile settings, API key, and credits overview.  

  • Subscription options allow you to adapt your plan to your specific needs, whether you're a solo developer or part of a larger team.  
  • Profile settings allow you to manage personal details, such as your email address (used as your username), offering options to update your email or reset your password.
  • The API key, a fundamental component of our platform, serves as your key to accessing 0CodeKit's endpoints across various third-party platforms.  
    Important Note: It is essential to keep your API key confidential and not share it with anyone, not even with the 0CodeKit team.
  • The credit overview displays how many executions your subscription includes and provides a visual representation of the remaining credits.

Usage Table

Tracking your credit usage is made simple with our intuitive usage table. This table provides a clear overview of when and how credits are utilized within your account, empowering you to manage resources effectively and make informed decisions about your development projects.

Usage Chart

This visual representation allows you to analyze endpoint usage and connections established with third-party platforms over time. The y-axis represents the maximum endpoint occurrences, while the x-axis categorizes the types of endpoints used. The bars illustrate the occurrences of each endpoint, providing valuable insights into your usage trends.

Code Editor

Gone are the days of struggling with plain text boxes and limited functionality. Our code editor features syntax highlighting, variable colorization, and error detection. Moreover, with AI-powered coding assistance, even novice programmers can write and generate JavaScript code with confidence. For a detailed exploration of our code editor's features, be sure to check out our dedicated blog post.

Light, Dark, and System Modes

Personalize your development environment with our versatile color modes. Whether you prefer a light, dark, or system-default appearance, 0CodeKit offers the flexibility to customize your workspace according to your preferences.

Chatbot Assistance

Need instant help or have questions? We have implemented a chatbot on our website for quick assistance and support from our team. Our chatbot is available 24/7 to provide real-time guidance and answer any queries you may have.

Coming Soon

Exciting new features are on the horizon for 0CodeKit users. Our team is hard at work developing an archive section for document uploads, providing a centralized hub for your project files. Additionally, we're working on a scheduler feature that will allow you to automate tasks and executions at predefined intervals.

Three Possible Ways of Development with 0CodeKit

HTTP Request on API Tools

Execute HTTP requests directly using tools like Postman. This raw and powerful approach enables developers to interact with web APIs, facilitating efficient testing and integration. By using 0CodeKit's API key, you can authenticate and authorize requests, ensuring secure access to endpoints.

Integration with Automation Platforms

Integrating 0CodeKit with renowned automation platforms such as Make, Zapier, or n8n opens a wide range of functionalities for users. The process is straightforward: users create a module within their chosen platform and search for 0CodeKit to initiate integration. Once integrated, users gain access to several functions provided by 0CodeKit. We have already published a comprehensive guide on integrating 0CodeKit with n8n, which you can find here.

However, before proceeding to fill in the function parameters, users must establish a secure connection between their 0CodeKit account and the third-party platform, which is facilitated through the use of an API key provided by 0CodeKit. During this process, the third-party platforms communicate with 0CodeKit to verify the validity of the API key provided. Upon successful validation, users gain immediate access to 0CodeKit's features.

It's noteworthy that when executing automations within any third-party platform, users consume credits based on the type of endpoint utilized. In the event of a security breach where the API key is compromised, users can promptly regenerate a new API key. However, this necessitates users to re-initiate the authorization process within the third-party platforms and establish new connections using the updated API key.

HTTP Request Module with Automation Platforms

In situations where newly published endpoints are not yet available on third-party platforms, a HTTP request module can offer a solution. By configuring the HTTP module with 0CodeKit's URL and API key, developers can execute custom endpoints with ease. This flexible approach ensures that developers can access the full range of 0CodeKit's capabilities, even when standard integrations are not yet available.


In summary, 0CodeKit's Complete Handbook offers developers an extensive toolkit and flexible development methods to optimize your coding experience. From account management to advanced code editing features, our platform empowers users to simplify workflow and maximize resource utilization. Visual representations of usage patterns and upcoming features provide valuable insights, while analysis of three development methods offers diverse options for taking advantage of 0CodeKit's capabilities.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.